Glass Ceiling and Failure to Promote

We help push through the glass ceiling, the metaphorical barrier preventing women, minorities, and other individuals belonging to a “protected class” from reaching the next level of success in their careers

We aim to advance our clients’ careers, wages, and reputations


In glass ceiling and failure to promote cases, an employee may see that colleagues with less experience and skills are receiving promotions. It may also be that you’ve been asked to take on the responsibilities of a higher level or higher grade position without the title or pay of that position. 

 Failure to promote an employee due to his or her status as a member of a legally protected class may violate state and federal laws. Keep in mind that there is a short time frame for filing claims. If you are concerned that you are being passed over for promotions or your company has a glass ceiling, you should not wait to contact an attorney.

In reviewing your case, we will be considering, among other evidence:


We are here to advocate on your behalf to ensure that you are being treated equitably at work and that you receive all the benefits and promotions you deserve.